With precision combine concaves, the problem of rotor loss can be stopped. The precious concaves are aftermarket concaves that are made by reputed companies. Aftermarket parts are less expensive than the OEM parts. They are also more effective and hence preferred by farmers. As a farmer, if you want to enhance the effectiveness of your harvesting process, you can consider getting this concave system.
Why use precision concaves?
Precision combine concaves are beneficial for farmers thanks to the benefits they offer during harvesting. These concaves have many useful features that help in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the harvesting process. This ultimately helps farmers earn more. The following explains how the use of these precision concaves helps during the harvesting process:
1) The biggest benefit of using the precision combine concave is that it helps solve the problem of rotor loss that causes loss to farmers. The separator grate that is available in this concave ensures there is no overloading of the separator. Grain is smoothly separated thus preventing rotor loss.
2) The concave system that is used is referred to as being progressively open. This system allows for better threshing capabilities. This ensures the grain is separated from the stalk in a more efficient way, thus improving both productivity and quality.
3) The combine concave has a round bar that again contributed to a better quality of grain. It ensures there is no grain damage while threshing. At the same time, it prevents grain from plugging the concave.
4) These features of the precision concave ensure that there is a greater area available for threshing. This has a direct impact on productivity, which is a key benefit for farmers.
5) Problems like broken cobs, cracks and splits in the grains are common with the stock combines. Thanks to the effective features of this combine, these problems are solved. This again contributes to better quality.
6) When the harvester’s capability is enhanced, it leads to saving in time as well as money. This helps the farmer enhance the yield capacity, which helps him earn more.
Farmers who face the problem of rotor loss and want to improve their profitability should consider adding precision combine concaves to their harvesters. The many benefits of these concaves ensure that farmers can save money and earn more, thus helping them earn more profits. The investment made on these concaves would definitely yield a good return on investment.

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