Using John Deere combine parts, farmers aim to achieve a better quality of harvesting, or better quantity than manual harvesting or without combine parts. If you are considering John Deere combine parts, and wondering how that will improve your harvesting, take a look at the below combine parts and how they are used.
1. Paddle Beater
Do you use a high-inertia cylinder during heavy-duty operations? If yes, you will find a tine/paddle beater helpful. The work of the paddles is to strip as the tines separate harvest leading it to an efficient crop separation.
John Deere combine parts help the harvesters to remove any build-up and plugging of materials that are not needed.
2. Height Adjustment Kit
Feederhouse drum stop height adjustment kit combine parts are standard on a 60 Series combines while they are retrofits on 20 Series, 9000, 10 Series, and 50 Series Combines. Changing the feederhouse drums is easy. All you have to do is to remove the retaining pin and adjust the lever to the desired position for small grain or crop. If you are working with corn and soybeans, position the lever up.
3. Concaves
Rice, sorghum, corn, and soybean are better harvested using large-wire concaves. Large wire concaves are standard on John Deere S-Series and STS Series Rice Combines. However, the same concaves are not suitable for high-moisture corn above 25%.
Round wire concaves are good for achieving high grain quality for corn and soybean harvesting, while the small wire concaves are suitable for wheat, barley, cereal crops.
4. Engine Air Scoop
Material buildup on the radiator, oil cooler, or air charge cooler is a common issue faced by many operators. Using the John Deere Engine Air Scoop high on the machine will allow it to pull clean air and eventually maintain a clean engine platform and air filter.
Engine Air Scoop can be very helpful in dusty field conditions.
5. Threshing elements
The difficulties encountered during harvesting are dependent on both the volume of crop and the weather conditions. The High Wear Rear-Rifle Threshing Elements can be used for harvesting large volumes of crops in tough conditions, such as rice, beans, or irrigated crops with greater yields. These threshing elements can be used for harvesting rice, beans, or irrigated crops with higher yields. Hard particles will wear less quickly on this element because of its Gopalite coating, which is proprietary to the company.
There are a variety of other John Deere parts available on the market that can assist you in producing greater and more profitable yields in your field. Most significantly, you will find that using these combine parts will make your harvesting activities a little easier. Estes Performance Concaves carries a large selection of such combination parts.

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