Did you know that poor harvesting methods lead to 30% of the losses in the wheat crop? This is quite a significant percentage of the wastage of food. The harvesting of wheat grains is different in comparison to the other crops. The color of the wheat grain is gradually transformed from yellowish to golden brown. The ripening of wheat takes place in three distinct stages. This can be monitored by assessing a piece of the sample grain.
• Milky
You just need to press the grain to determine whether the milky liquid is oozing.
• Hardening
The liquid hardens within the grain. It will have dents when the farmer pinches it off.
• Maturity
Find out the hardness of the grain. The heavy heads will be bending forward. Prepare for the harvest of the wheat crops in a manner that is most convenient for you.
How Harvesting of Wheat Grains Take Place?
The modern-day combine harvester concave is developed to harvest hard wheat grains. This is done by facilitating the laborious tasks in series one after the another. First of all, the crop is cut from the plant. Then the edible part is required to be separated from the great chaff. After that, the cleaning needs to be done to remove the grain debris. Thankfully, modern harvesters have made this tedious task automatic. The farmer needs to drive the machinery throughout the field. It automatically cuts fresh and cleans all the grains through the components like rotating blades, wheels, sieves, and elevators. The edible grains are collected within the tank while the inevitable shaft, as well as stalks, are removed from the existing pipe and fall down on the field.
Here Are Some of The Tips to Harvest Hard-to-Thresh Wheat Crops:
Before you start harvesting the crops using a combine harvester concave, you may need help when the grains are more rigid. As in hard grains, it isn't easy to get the kernels out of its head, especially when the crop is drier. So, the best is to add moisture. It makes it convenient for maintaining the stalk integrity.
Slowdown Speed
Due to the availability of the fast pr- rotor beaters, just make sure to slow down the feeder house speed. This will avoid the metal on the crop from threshing. In this way, there will be significantly lesser breakages of grains.
Concave Adjustments
Constantly adjust the concave properly. It should be in a way that is capable of matching the volume of the grains entering. However, carrying out the material's over-threshing should not be too tight. By adding the filler plates to the concave, more grains will rotate within the rotor.
Make Adjustments of Other Parts
Before using the combine harvester concave, adjust the chaffer, fan, and sieves. This will facilitate the free grain and the white Caps for passing through. The ultimate aim is to facilitate enough fan speed to push the lighter chaff out. Also, it will facilitate the heavy grains, as well as the white caps, to quickly get through the sieves.
Get maximum Returns on Investment Through the Purchase of Combine Harvester Concave
Farmers' investment in the combine harvester concave is crucial for their farm productivity. Thus, they should always purchase the harvesting machine from a top-notch supplier. The Estes Performance Concave is your most trusted and reliable partner for sourcing the next-generation advanced combine harvester machine that leads to the highest throughput and minimum grain loss. Get in touch with the company's representatives to know more about the most advanced and convenient agriculture products!

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